Donate Online

Celebrate special occasions and remember loved ones with a contribution to Congregation Ahavath Sholom. Your kind donations will further our worthy endeavors and aid us in performing mitzvot – good deeds. This form may also be used to make dues payments, or to pay for upcoming events, fundraisers, or catering orders.

Donor Information

Donation/Payment Type

  • Dues payment
  • Building fund maintenance pledge payment
  • Event, fundraiser, or catering payment
  • Contribution to named fund ($18 minimum except where noted)
  • Contribution to an endowment ($50 minimum)


Add an additional 3% to offset the cost of credit card service fees.


Tribute Information

  • In memory of
  • In honor of
view more tribute types


  • Please send an acknowledgement card to an address I specify.
Yes, I want my donation acknowledged in the synagogue bulletin.
No, I do not want my donation acknowledged in the synagogue bulletin.