Become a Member

"Every assem­bly whose pur­pose is to serve God will in the end be estab­lished" (Pirkei Avot 4:14)

Dear Prospec­tive Member;

Thank you for your inter­est in our congregation.

Our syn­a­gogue is ded­i­cated to warm, per­sonal and mov­ing wor­ship, as well as inno­v­a­tive and inte­gra­tive edu­ca­tional classes and activ­i­ties for both adults and children.

We fur­ther are com­mit­ted to inte­grat­ing all of our mem­bers into a warm and car­ing com­mu­nity based around the phi­los­o­phy of "all Israel (in this case our com­mu­nity) being respon­si­ble one for each other". (Baby­lon­ian Tal­mud, Shavuot 39a)

I have no doubt that you will quickly feel at home within our social, reli­gious, edu­ca­tional and com­mu­nal activities.

If you would like to dis­cuss in more detail any ques­tion or con­cern that you may have please feel free to con­tact myself or the office at any time. Our syn­a­gogue office num­ber is 817-731-4721.

I look for­ward to greet­ing you as the newest mem­ber of our grow­ing fam­ily here at Con­gre­ga­tion Aha­vath Sholom.

B'shalom and friendship,

Rabbi Andrew Bloom

Online Membership Inquiry Form

Membership Application Form (PDF) - 2023